family dentistry in wesley chapel

In many ways, this is the most important care we provide. The best way to treat dental problems is to prevent them from happening. Preventive care includes regular cleanings, home-care recommendations, and X-rays.  It also means a focus on education, early detection, and -- when necessary -- quick intervention to prevent minor issues from becoming major ones. The health of your teeth and gums depends on a healthy bite, and a mouth free of infection. We strive to make your visits as comfortable as possible while maximizing the quality of care. Along with our gentle treatment, we have overhead televisions, and relaxing music, and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is available upon request.

Preventive care

Healthy gums, including the soft tissue and bone that surround your teeth, is one of the most important elements of dental health. Our highly skilled and gentle dental hygienists are passionate about their profession. Their non-surgical approach is aimed at preventing gum disease, and helping you maintain your teeth for a lifetime. They consult closely with the doctor to determine if further care is needed.

An occlusion (bite) that is dysfunctional can cause temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD - sometimes known as TMJ), which results in headaches, jaw pain, and sensitive teeth. We offer custom occlusal guards (also known as night guards) to prevent teeth from premature wear. We may also recommend Botox® as a treatment for Bruxism (grinding teeth) or TMD. An occlusal screening is part of our routine examination. We may suggest a detailed analysis of the occlusal system, and possibly a referral to a specialist. Untreated dental problems have destructive effects that can be avoided through preventive dentistry.

Sana Dental Studio + Spa in Wesley Chapel
Tooth-colored Fillings Equipments

Unsightly metal fillings can expand over time, contain mercury, and can cause teeth to break. We work with durable porcelain and ceramic composites that, once in place, are indistinguishable from the surrounding tooth. Since these mercury-free composites bond to the tooth, they actually help strengthen it.


An extraction is when a tooth is removed, usually because of disease, trauma, or crowding. If you need a tooth extracted, your dentist will numb the area to make it more comfortable. After the extraction, your dentist will tell you what post-extraction care to follow.

Dentists in Wesley Chapel

If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants can provide you with a natural-looking, highly functional alternative to bridges. Dental implants use a surgically placed “titanium root” capped by a natural-looking aesthetic crown. You have the ability to floss around the implant crown, and it is most like a natural tooth. These restorations are ideal in situations where there is adequate bone and space to place the implant.

Dentures, either full or partial, are removable restorations, sometimes with clasps that utilize the remaining natural teeth or implants for retention and stability. These are great options for patients with non-restorable teeth or inadequate bone for implants. They are also great for replacing multiple teeth in the most financially feasible manner.

Dentures Tools

Bonding can be a relatively simple solution for repairing discolored, cracked, or chipped teeth, or for filling in gaps between teeth. With bonding we apply a composite resin to match the teeth for imperceptible blending and smooth it into the appropriate shape. For minor imperfections in a smile, conservative treatments are best. Dental bonding is an affordable and minimally invasive approach to cosmetic dentistry. Bonding is most effective for closing small gaps between teeth or covering chips or cracks in teeth. Every smile is different, so it helps to sit down with your dentist to learn which dental restoration will provide your best outcome.

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