Wesley Chapel Dental Emergency


Missing teeth can drain your confidence. You might lose your motivation to be your outgoing self, holding back on or avoiding social and professional opportunities you once thrived in. At Sana Dental Studio + Spa, we do everything we can to help you love the way you look and be your best self. For patients who have suffered tooth loss, we provide both partial and full dentures to regain your confidence, boost functionality, and restore your smile back to a full set of teeth worth showing off.

Full vs Partial Dentures

Depending on your situation, we’ll help determine if full or partial dentures are right for you. Full dentures are used for patients who are missing all or most of their teeth. These dentures replace the complete upper or lower arch with natural appearing prosthetic teeth. They’re held in place with a cushioning base that rests on the gums with the aid of a dental adhesive and natural suction. Partial dentures are used for patients who may have lost several individual teeth or have large gaps in their smile. Partial dentures fill in those spaces without the need for bridges, which require more alteration to your natural teeth. Partial dentures are anchored onto existing teeth to hold them into place for a comfortable fit.

Both full and partial dentures are removable solutions to tooth loss. They require daily cleaning to remove bacteria and keep your gums healthy. Denture wearers can leave them in while they eat, although it’s recommended to avoid especially sticky and tough foods. Our team will provide you with clear instructions on an at-home cleaning routine and diet so you get all the wonderful benefits of dentures without the extra stress.

Best Candidates For Dentures

Dentures are affordable restorative options for patients missing several or all of their natural teeth. If several teeth are badly damaged or decayed, extraction and denture replacement might be in the best interest of the patient’s overall oral health. To offer stable support for dentures, It’s also important prospective patients have healthy gum tissue and jawbone. 

In some cases where only one or two teeth need to be replaced,
dental implants might be a better choice. Dental bridges are another restorative option that use the support of surrounding healthy teeth to fill in the gap left by a missing tooth. During your consultation, Dr. Yusef will go over all your available options and help you decide what’s best for your needs.

Our Dentures Process

Between a consultation, impressions, and fittings, dentures typically take a few weeks from the first to final dental visit. Treatment plans are always unique to the individual’s needs, but denture procedures will generally follow the path below:

  • Initial consultation: We perform a thorough examination of your tooth and gum health to ensure dentures are the right solution for you. This is our chance to design and share your treatment plan, and start laying out your follow-up visits for a transparent and efficient process.
  • Impressions: We take impressions of your mouth that are used to create a mold of your teeth, gums, and oral anatomy. This mold guides the custom set of dentures so they fit and look their best.
  • Fitting: Once the dentures are complete, we’ll schedule a follow-up visit to try them on. We check your bite and fit to make sure you’re comfortable with both the feel and appearance. Adjustments can be made to improve the fit, and we’ll provide information on caring for your dentures once you get back home.
  • Final adjustments: After a few days of wear, we recommend visiting us to check back in and receive and final adjustments if necessary. If there are any problems or questions, we’re able to intervene early so you can enjoy the full benefits of your new teeth without any pain points.

Full and Partial Dentures in West Chapel, FL

We’re all about getting your confidence back with care that always puts your needs first. If you’re ready to restore your smile or would like more information on your options, contact us today. We’re proud to change the way people feel about dentures and dentistry with an experience like no other.

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